

品質管理プログラムの結果として作成されたすべての文書は機密であり、適用される法的要件および機密保持に関する HealthChoices プログラムのポリシーと手順に従って維持されます。このような文書には、QMC 議事録、品質管理データとレポート、臨床ケアとサービスの記録、および管理記録とレポートが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。 QMC メンバーとゲストの両方を含む、QMC ミーティングのすべての参加者は、前述のことを証明する声明に署名します。

The HealthChoices Program and Carelon recognize the need for the careful handling of all clinical and claims information, particularly as it relates to behavioral health treatment. Consequently, we will follow and clearly communicate strict confidentiality guidelines designed by the Commonwealth as well as federal guidelines where applicable. Carelon will take the lead in implementing confidentiality procedures for the HealthChoices Program. These confidentiality policies will comply with Federal and Pennsylvania drug and alcohol confidentiality requirements.

The HealthChoices Program and Carelon recognize that Pennsylvania State regulations governing the confidentiality of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Patient Records and HIV Related Information are unique to Pennsylvania. Specifically, drug and alcohol patient records are protected by federal law and Pennsylvania State Law P.S. 1690.108 (Act 63) and Pennsylvania State Regulation 28 Pa. Code Subsection 709.28 and 4 Pa. Code Subsection 255.5. In particular, the HealthChoices Program and Carelon are committed to compliance with the Pennsylvania Code Subsection 255.5 in requests for information from providers of drug and alcohol treatment services. All records kept by the HealthChoices Program and Carelon will be kept in strict compliance with the Confidentiality HIV Related Information Act of 1990.