





  1. 通过电子媒体传输
  2. 保持在任何介质中
  3. 以任何其他形式或媒介传输或维护。

Participating providers agree to maintain the medical and claims-related data concerning services provided to members that they would maintain in the normal course of business. Upon reasonable notice and during a facility’s regular business hours, Carelon, its authorized representatives and duly authorized third parties (such as governments and payors) have the right to inspect and/or be given copies of medical records directly related to services rendered to HealthChoices members. Participating providers must ensure that each member’s medical record is treated as confidential so as to comply with all state and federal laws and regulations regarding the confidentiality of patient records.

Participating providers must cooperate with Carelon and payor to ensure that all consents or authorizations to release member records are in conformity with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing the release of records maintained in connection with mental health and/or substance abuse treatment.


  1. 仅授权这样做的人员才能从现场位置删除纸质文件。
  2. 建议在现场位置保存从现场获取的PHI日志。该日志指定何时删除PHI,以及何时将其返回到工作位置。
  3. PHI不在现场时,请勿将其置于未经授权的人员的视线范围内:
    1. PHI并非与未经授权的人员紧密接触,未经授权的人员可能会读取PHI。
    2. PHI不会无人看管放在不安全的区域或容器中。
  4. 纸质文件应放在未经授权的人员不容易打开的容器中运输,例如带锁的公文包,密封的盒子或信封。
  5. 文档存储在异地的设施中,该设施应具有:
    1. 设施范围的安全性
    2. 消防装置,例如洒水装置,灭火器和警报器
    3. 灾难恢复计划
    4. 气候控制以保持纸张不受潮
    5. 使用ID徽章,人员登录协议,自动注销以及密码/个人标识号的访问安全性
    6. 防止更改,破坏或不适当地使用信息的过程
    7. 报告和响应安全事件的过程

参与提供者还必须确保任何记录都符合与此类记录的存储,传输和维护有关的所有适用的联邦和州法律和法规,包括但不限于1996年的《健康保险可移植性和责任法》(HIPAA)(第104-191号公共法) )及其下颁布的规则和法规,以及美国卫生与公共服务部(HIPAA)发布的指南。